29 November 2010

I'm 18 Now... :-)

I am 18 now.
I’m old enough to buy Cigarettes, Beer, etc.
Old enough to play the lottery.

I’ve messed up a lot in life.
The worst part is knowing I’m not done messing up.

I’ve failed classes and I’ve failed to see the point in doing certain things.

I am more wise and more determined in my actions.

But To me, I am still a kid.

I’m not ready for love.
I’m not ready for bills.
I’m not ready to buy a house.
I’m not ready to have a real job.
I’m not ready to be called Uncle Vishal.

Maybe I am ready.
And I just don’t want to be.

Being 18 has made me realize a lot.
These things are slowly approaching and I don’t want them to.

I’m scared and I am not ready.

For anything.

Life’s too unexpected.